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Niko is a word that means to conquer,  to overcome, or to pereservere until the end.

It  is a five-day wilderness leadership training program where you take risks to discover more about who God has made you to be. Your learning environment will be the great outdoors, the classroom of life. You will learn skills vital to working as a team, being a leader, and pushing yourself beyond limits you thought you could never overcome. As an individual or a group you learn to surrender your individual rights and learn new levels of interdependence with others. The most important aspect is to grow in your dependence on God. NIKO helps you  get to know yourself and get to know God in a real way. The program takes you into a process of experiences and growth. It is not an ordinary adventure camp or a survival camp which aims to have great performance. It’s a camp to learn about yourself and God using nature and the experiences you will have during the camp.


NIKO is about...







Understand your influence. Leadership is not about who is smarter or tougher, but about the qualities we all have or can work on.


Team Work

Everything we do or don’t do affects somebody else. “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others”- Phil. 2:4


The laying down of my will for God’s will. When I embrace God’s will with mine, then He can do what He desires for me and the world.


Service is the outward expression of inward surrender. Service is action born out of motive.

Who is it for?

NIKO for anyone who'd like to grow in their relationship with God as well as with others.  NIKO welcomes participants of all ages, starting at 14.

What is the cost?

NIKO costs $150 per person.


If more than one family member is doing the same NIKO, then it is $125 per person.

What are the dates?

2020 Dates




*NIKO Begins at 7pm
Ends at 5pm


Option 1

 Download paper application, fill out, scan and email it back to


How do I apply!?

Option 2

 Fill out online form   &

 Download release and doctors form, fill out, scan and email it back to

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