There are a couple ways to give towards the ministries of YWAM St.Croix.
1. Towards a specific ministry. You can specify that you would like to donate towards Children Ministry, King's Kids, Sports, etc and the money will go in that ministry.
2. A general donation. Undesignated donations will go towards whatever the current greatest needs are.
3. A specific project or need. Below is a list of some of the current projects and needs. You can give towards a specific need on the list! It can be the total amount needed or whatever number you have to give.

Summer Trip Scholarships- $500
We are excited to be taking some youth from the island to the states for a missions experience! This summer a group of young believers will be traveling to Pennsylvania to help share the love of Christ and encounter a different culture. We look forward to the work God will do in and through them during this time!

Community Center
YWAM St. Croix has entered a new season! The Lord has opened the door for us to pursue a new way to impact the community on our island. However, this project will not happen overnight and has many steps to be complete:
Land: $600,000
Surveys: $10,000
Clearing land: $5,000
Architectural design: ?
Engineering: ?
Buildings: ?

The environment in the Caribbean is not the friendliest to materials of any kind. Hurricanes do not help this either. Almost all of the windows on the lower floor of the Greathouse and apartment building are in need of repair or replacement.